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私立学院大学2-22-23 002

Sample Transfer Plans

当你不确定下一步要做什么或在哪里时, 遵循这些主要计划样本之一或遵循IAI核心课程,以帮助指导您的班级选择获得AA或AS学位.

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Transfer Finder

我们的顾问人员收集了课程转学指南以及十大平台网赌下载最新与数十所四年制学院和大学之间的协议. Work with an advisor to help explore your options by major, college or interest category.

Students in a large lecture hall listen intently to a speaker on the stage.


If you transferred from Black Hawk College before earning your AA or AS, 你仍然可以获得副学士学位,同时通过我们的反向转移学分计划攻读学士学位.

Please confirm transfer requirements with the school of your choice.

Black Hawk College presents this information as a service for our students. Every effort is made to keep documents, details and links up to date. Some schools may have a separate application process and deadline for scholarships. Information presented pertains to domestic students only (visit 无证学生大学建议指南 for more information). 一定要向转学学校代表和/或转学学校的网站确认要求. 

Transfer FAQs

完成文学副学士(AA)的好处是什么?, Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree?


AA degree completion also fulfills the lower division general education requirements of many transfer schools.

The AS degree includes slightly more math and science requirements than the AA does. In most cases, 转入伊利诺伊州四年制学院或大学的学生将在转学后完成较低级别的通识教育课程(一门额外的人文或美术课程和一门额外的社会和行为科学课程)。.  Some schools automatically evaluate an AS course-by-course (including Augustana College).  如果你不确定哪个学位最适合你的计划,选择AA,然后和你的导师谈谈.

The AAS degree prepares students for immediate employment following program completion. AAS强调特定领域的培训与大约一个学期的通识教育课程相结合.  参加AAS和职业证书课程的学生如果想转学,应该和他们的导师谈谈选择通识教育课程的问题.


Both degrees require 60 credits to complete, but there are slight differences. The AA includes the complete IAI通识教育核心课程. While the AS has a slightly higher math and science course requirement, 如果学生还想完成IAI GECC,他们可以选择在BHC或转学(到伊利诺伊州的机构)后参加一些额外的课程.


I know what my transfer major will be, but haven’t decided where to transfer. Which courses should I take?

你可以开始你的教育 Sample Transfer Plans 和BHC的顾问讨论你的目标. Since major requirements vary from one transfer school to another, 你应该尽快选择转学学校. We recommend having a short list of transfer schools by the time you complete 30 credits.


大多数学院和大学将允许你转学至少60个社区大学学时,一些BHC转学合作伙伴将接受更多学分. 重要的是,不仅要了解有多少学分可以转换,还要了解有多少学分可以应用到你的专业要求中. 所有转学学校也都有“居住”要求, meaning minimum hours must be earned at their institution (many require 30 hours, 有的更多,有的更少). Discuss your transfer school ideas with your BHC advisor to decide when it’s best to transfer.


Apply up to one year in advance of the term you plan to transfer. 大多数学院和大学都有申请截止日期,在此之前提交入学申请和所有证明文件(成绩单), essay, etc.) must be submitted. The deadline is often two to five months prior to the start of the term you start, but some schools allow students to apply as late as a few weeks before classes begin. 但不建议等待 – apply early! Also check when your transfer school needs your financial aid information.

Will I have to submit my high school grades to my transfer school?

一旦你获得了规定的大学学分(通常是12-30小时),大多数学院和大学都会根据你的大学成绩来决定你的入学资格。. 如果你转学的学分更少, 您将被要求遵循新生入学要求,包括提供您的高中成绩单.

After I apply to my transfer school for admission, is there anything else I need to do?

在你申请转学学校之后,你应该发送所需的任何证明文件,比如你的大学成绩单. 按照转学学校清单上的说明. 你还应该完成经济援助和奖学金申请,并开始安排住房,如果你将离家生活. 注意你什么时候应该参加迎新培训, register and pay for classes, and move to the campus.

What can I do to improve my chances of getting a transfer scholarship?

Complete the FAFSA and any school-specific scholarship applications by the stated deadlines. Earning excellent grades will also improve your chances of earning a merit scholarship, which is automatically awarded based on your grade point average. The higher your GPA, the more money you are eligible to receive. Students who join the Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会 而在BHC可能有资格获得额外的奖学金.

Look closely at your transfer school’s general financial aid webpage, as well as their transfer admissions page and the department pages for your major. Different scholarship opportunities may be shown in all these places. 也要向十大平台网赌下载最新人员询问学院可能为转学生提供的其他资金来源,如校园参观奖, early FAFSA filer, out-of-state-student award, etc.


大多数学院和大学都提供课程转学表,以实现机构之间的对等. 有衔接协议的适用学校的链接可以在每个学院的登陆页面上找到. Additional guidance is also available for certain schools on the Transferology website.

Can I transfer to a four-year-college from an AAS degree or college certificate?

作为一名考虑转学的职业学生, 在十大平台网赌下载最新学习期间,尽早与你目前的BHC顾问和项目教师见面.


See how credit requirements differ between career and transfer programs in our Educational Paths Guide (PDF) . 请注意,“AAS转学路径”通常比你的职业计划所要求的通识教育课程更多.

你的导师可能会建议你在职业规划中替换课程,以满足沟通方面的转学计划要求, English, speech, accounting, math or computer science. 在你的职业计划中替换一门课程之前,你需要得到BHC教授主席的许可.

 准备好从十大平台网赌下载最新转学. 与BHC顾问协调这些步骤的时间安排.

  1. Apply to the transfer school. This can be done up to a year before the semester you transfer.
  2. Confirm that approved course substitutions are recorded on your BHC transcript.
  3. Submit unofficial transcripts to the transfer school for an early evaluation.
  4. 如果建议,注册额外的BHC课程,将适用于转学计划. 确定你是否有资格获得BHC的经济资助,以支付你职业规划所需课程以外的课程. Completing a Change of Major/Program (PDF)  form may be recommended.

 Apply for BHC Graduation from your career program.





Enrollment Services

Students with questions about how your transfer school evaluated your BHC course or
College personnel inquiring about transfer guides or agreements.


Advising Events

10-21-2024 //上午8:00 -下午5:00

Transfer Community Swag Swap

10-22-2024 //上午8:00 -下午5:00

Transfer Community Swag Swap

10-22-2024 //上午9:00 -下午12:30

商业,体育和健康事业与St. Ambrose University

10-23-2024 //上午8:00 -下午5:00

Transfer Community Swag Swap

10-23-2024 //下午6:00 - 7:00


10-24-2024 //上午12:00 -晚上11:59

Alma Mater Day

Additional Resources

十大平台网赌下载最新支持你在全国和网上的职业搜索和转学之旅. Use these resources to expand your transfer and career options.

Guides and Assessment Tools


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Contact Advising

Quad-Cities Campus

Building 1, First Stop Center
Mon-Tue, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Wed-Fri, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

East Campus
Building A, Room 246
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment